Established in 1973, the Herndon Career Center provides quality career and technical training to high school and post-secondary students to enable them to acquire the technical skills, knowledge and work habits necessary for successful employment and/or continuing education. Students receive extensive hands-on instruction from experienced instructors in well-equipped labs and classrooms. Instructors work closely with business and industry to develop employment opportunities for graduates and to insure that students are trained according to current standards using up-to-date equipment and techniques.
Six area school districts participate in and support the operation of Herndon Career Center: Center 58, Grandview C-IV, Hickman Mills C-I, Independence 30, Lee’s Summit R-VII and Raytown C-2. Raytown C-2 serves as the fiscal agent and host district of the Career Center. Within the six school districts are ten participating high schools:
Hickman Mills
Lee’s Summit
Lee’s Summit North
Lee’s Summit West
Raytown South
William Chrisman
High school students attend the Career Center for approximately one-half of their school day (3-hour block) and take classes at their “home school” the balance of the school day. Bus transportation is provided from students’ high school to and from the Career Center. Tuition for high school students to attend Herndon is paid by the students’ respective school districts.
Career and technical training programs are offered at two separate campuses located about one mile apart: the East Campus and West Campus.
Accreditation: The Herndon Career Center is accredited by the Missouri State Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to offer career and technical education training programs to high school and adult (post-secondary) students.
Federal Student Financial Aid: The U.S. Department of Education has qualified the Herndon Career Center to participate in programs under the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (HEA) and the Federal student financial assistance programs (Title IV, HEA programs). Herndon’s OPE (Office of Post-secondary Education) ID number is 03174300.